Adding Salt to Treat Ich

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 4, 2012
Nova Scotia, Canada
I am pretty sure that I have a bout of Ich starting in my 75 gallon tank, and am just wondering how I should go about adding the salt. When I purchased this tank the old owner had some Instant Ocean aquarium salt. The directions on this box say that it is for 5 gallons but I assume this is for a saltwater aquarium. I measured out about 15-20 teaspoons and mixed it in a 4L container and then put that in. I am just wondering how often I should be doing this to bring up the salt content? I read that it should be about 1- 1.5 teaspoons per gallon so that would be like 5 or 6 doses the same as what I have added. Should I get the salt in now or do it over the next day or two? Could I just add it to my canister filter and let it disperse that way? Any help is appreciated.
I've always heard to use three tablespoons per gallon for that sort of thing. I personally wouldn't put it in the filter.

Thanks, I decided not to add anymore salt to the water. I'm just going to treat with heat. I have a large Pleco in the tank and they don't do well with high salinity levels from what I have been reading.

Also, the fish that was the most affected by the Ich had to be euthanized last night and the other fish don't have many white spots at all. The Pleco was just added last week and I think that he brought the Ich, so I will continue to treat for another 10-14 days.
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