Adding used plants?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 5, 2004
Right now I have silk plants in my tank but my friend who has a million real plants told me that she will give me a few from her tank. Is there a chance that her plants could be tainted from her fish and make my fish ill if i put them in my tank, or is there a way to clean them so they are safe for my fish?
The things that plants from another tank can do is transfer snails and certain types of algae. Many plants can be dipped in a very weak bleach solution for a minute or two, especially those with tough leaves like java fern. I know folks will chime in with their methods, but it is really a great idea to clean them thoroughly before putting them in.

I would not worry about transferring dangerous organisms to your fish, provided the tank where they are coming from are housing healthy disease-free fish.
the bleach solution should be 1 part un-scented, straight bleach, to 19 parts water.
1 minute is plenty to kill any parasites, as well as algae spores and most snail eggs. if it's ambulia, give it a 20 second dip...this plant is somewhat sensitive to bleaching :)

it's then a good idea to soak in water that's been triple dechlorinated for a few mins afterwards, after rinsing in some plain tap water after the bleach dip.

I just like to be super cautious when bleaching things before they get added to the tank.
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