ADF filter?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Apr 2, 2014
What would you recommend for a filter for them? I've been doing every other 10% water changes on their tank but now I'll like to put a filter in their new tank do you think a whisper 10i will be fine in their new 5 gallon?

5 gallon Betta Tank
3 gallon RCS Tank
1 gallon Betta Tank
In process 20L reef
In my 4 gallon with a ADF, ghost shrimp, peacock Gudgeon, and an oto I have an Aquaclear 20
Ty for the reply :) I will look at one of those ty

5 gallon Betta Tank
3 gallon RCS Tank
1 gallon Betta Tank
In process 20L reef
Ty for the reply :) I will look at one of those ty

5 gallon Betta Tank
3 gallon RCS Tank
1 gallon Betta Tank
In process 20L reef

No problem. Having it on full flow might be a little much for a smaller tank, so I only put mine on full flow after a feeding or if something's stirred up
I am hoping to get one tomorrow seeing they are messy eaters lol and having to suck food out every day is a pain lol.

5 gallon Betta Tank
3 gallon RCS Tank
1 gallon Betta Tank
In process 20L reef
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