ADF mates??

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 5, 2014
I currently have a 15g tank w. 2 ADF, Blue Mystery Snail and a pleco. I've tried silver, Dalmatian and black mollies.. they die with no known reason. And tried 5 painted Tetra.. died also??

What mates do you have with yours? Recommendations?
I've been doing some research.. I'm considering a female Betta? I've heard males are more aggressive, figuring female would be smarter and they're still equally pretty.

Does anyone disagree w research vs. Personal experience?
what were the water parameters? or do you know?
Mollies can be very sensitive to bad water conditions and die very quickly when they dont like the water. Idk about the tetras though......where did you buy them? almost every time I buy fish from a chain store like petsmart or petco I have to work very hard to keep them from dying, and sometimes they still do (just because they are bad stock or were cared for improperly at the store).

I suggest livebearers and snails and shrimps. My idea of a good set-up would be a planted tank (plants that are low-light and bushy preferably) with a few nerite snails for algae control, a few ghost shrimp for excess food control, and a few endler's guppies (their babies will feed the frog btw).
I've been doing some research.. I'm considering a female Betta? I've heard males are more aggressive, figuring female would be smarter and they're still equally pretty.

Does anyone disagree w research vs. Personal experience?

Bettas are fine too (male bettas as well)
I try to stick with Pet Supplies Plus.. just because every time I go to Pet Smart there is a sick fish (usually with ich) and I'd rather not mess w trying to get a fish that looks uninfected and it becoming infected.

I've considered a few more frogs or snails as well..
Frogs, snails, shrimp, community fish of relatively small size (tetras, livebearers, bettas, gouramis, ect) they can all safely live with the frogs.

Yea those chain stores are just terrible.....although I guess they really only try to pay attention to large mammal products and services (I.E, Dogs, Cats, Rodents).
Our local pet smart is terrible.. They're the size of a walmart and have a whole outside wall of fish, and only the higher priced fish or "experienced level" fish are only in good condition.

I do like our local Pet Supplies Plus because it only has a small area of tanks and they get shipments in once a week, and their tanks are very nice and clean. I've never seen a fish with ich or any deads ones floating around which is nice too. They've been very helpful, knowledge wise, and very understanding with the fish that I've brought back to them that have died a day after my 14dy grace period ended.

I tried painted tetras, they didn't work too well..

Thank you for the advice. :)
I wish I had a local pet store like that haha. I can only buy expensive fish online (RISKY) or I can buy half-dead fish from petco or petsmart and take really good care of them until they are well. Ive actually made it a game to buy and keep fish alive from the chain stores, so far Ive gone about 10 months 7 days without having a fish die on me lol
Congrats!!! lol-
I should've stuck with the "Carnie" fish.. I gave 3 of them to my SIL for my 3 nephews and they're all still alive!! Come to think of it, my last longest living fish was a "Carnie" fish as well?? .. My Pleco, frogs and snail are still alive, SOo I guess I'm not doing too bad.

I actually stuck my long air stone back in there, and the frogs are having so much fun playing in the bubbles (I thought it would be too much for them, so I took it out.)
Now I'm wondering if I should just make it an ADF wonderland/Amusement park??
haha thanks.
You're certainly doing better than most people i know :p
Ive seen ADF tanks with little beachballs, airstones, and obstacle courses for the frogs to play on 0_0 people definitely grow warm towards their amphibious pets sometimes lol
I hit up the pet store w my kids Today..

We came home with 2 more ADF and I got lucky and found a baby Half Moon Betta? Well I'm assuming it's a baby.. it was very small compared to the Veil Betta, no where near as aggressive as the others and I got it for 7$!! :)
I haven't put it in with my ADF yet because I'd like to train them as to where they're getting their food before I just throw him in there.
I wish I had a local pet store like that haha. I can only buy expensive fish online (RISKY) or I can buy half-dead fish from petco or petsmart and take really good care of them until they are well. Ive actually made it a game to buy and keep fish alive from the chain stores, so far Ive gone about 10 months 7 days without having a fish die on me lol

What's so risky about buying expensive fish online ? There's plenty of breeders/importers with over the top ratings and reviews.

Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium advice.

I don't buy online but I'd be afraid of shaken fish syndrome!! Lol- postal people are crazy these days..

I picked up 2 more ADF!! And... I believe a baby Halfmoon Betta?
I have him in a .5gal bowl for right now until the new ADF get the hang of when/where food comes from, then I plan on adding him. I spent A LOT of time watching the Betta and he seemed very relaxed, where others if I got too close they were smashing into their cups trying to get me or their neighbors. This one seemed like he could care less about what was going on around him.


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Pretty betta!!! On a side note- "painted" tetra are normally dyed fish and don't generally tend to last very long because the process used to dye them leaves them open for infections.

what am I doing?
Thank you!!! He's a sweetheart. I believe he's a baby.. he has absolutely NO temper :D I just taped his tank into the inside of the tank he'll be going in so he can check it out and get used to the ADF bouncing around. He's shown no sight of aggression so far, which makes me extremely happy!!

I taped my Betta's bowl inside my tank Yesterday.. (lol- I'd like to thank whoever I saw write about that on here, GREAT IDEA!!) He never once flared up, and LOVED when the frogs were floating at the top, he'd just sit and watch them.
Later on in the night, he was REALLY trying to get out and be with them. He kept going to the bottom of the bowl trying to get twards the bottom of the tank. SOOO-- I gave in.
BEST IDEA EVER!!!!!!!!! He's so happy in there. Doesn't bother anything or anyone..
YAY!!!! Makes me happy as a first time Betta owner I was able to find a baby and him to meet perfect roomies ♥
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