ADF tank size

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 20, 2011
once my fry are moved to my bigger tank,im going to have an empty 10 gallon tank,i would like to keep some ADFs in,and was wondering,would 3 be alright in a tank this size?do they need any special food?what could i have as tankmates?
I've also been interested in adf's so I'm gonna keep an eye on this post :D From what I've heard 3 is good, even 4 (but I'm not sure)... apart from that I know nothing :( but when someone answers and you finally get them, add pics :D
ADF don't have the best eyesight, so they're food needs to be target fed in most cases.

Also, make sure it's an ADF and NOT an ACF. ACFs are commonly sold as the other, but get around four to six inches and eat anything they can fit in their greedy little maws. That includes fish and smaller frogs, even of the same kind. The ADF have all four feet webbed. ACF have unwebbed front feet. I have one, and I love her.
yeah,i read about the really bad eyesight(there just like me)and the webbed front feet
Just to clarify, I have an ACF. But I've read up on the other because of the differences and such. They are both great pets.
10 gals is the perfect size for an ADF tank. IMO you can easily keep 10 frogs in a 10 gallon tank. I've kept them in various size species only tanks and find that 1 per gallon is conservative. They do not have a large bio-load and they enjoy eachothers company. Keep the water warm, 78-80, and lots of live plants would be best. I love it when I turn the light on my frog tank in the morning and see them sitting in the little cute. When I kept them with fake plants they never did that. Also make sure there are no sharp edges on any decor as their skin is sensitive. And make sure any decor/wood/rocks are planted firmly because ADF's can easily get themselves pinned down and drown when they can't come up for air. They appreciate a smooth substrate. They are very blind and will benefit from feedings in the same place every day. I'd say pick a couple little hidey holes, peices of decor or whatever you have in place for them, and put the food in that spot every day. They will quickly learn where to find the food when they smell it, and less, if any, will go uneaten which is less work for you. Keep an eye on the little guys weight gain. They'll be tiny when you get them from the lfs..if most are getting chubby and a couple are staying real small, take extra care to see that they get enough to eat. I have a tiny guy who I drop a pellet or worm right on his nose to make sure his chubby friend doesn't get everything first. I feed frog/tadpole bites every other day, on the other day I feed thawed bloodworms. ADF's are prone to bowel impaction so other pellet or dried foods are not reccomended for them.
would reptomin floating pellets be ok?it says"for all aquatic turtles,frogs,and newts"
No. If memory serves those are much too large. Go for HBH Frog and Tadpole Bites.
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