Advice for putting in wild rocks?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 16, 2014
Hey all!

I came across a lot of interesting rocks I think would go great in my aquarium and I'd like to know the procedure to add them to my tank. Obviously I can't plop them in after spraying them down with water. Should I use a specific soap?
Never use soap for things that are meant for fish tanks. What you should do is boil them for a long time then scrub excess dirt off.
Before you put the rocks in your tank, test them by pouring vinegar on top. If they fizz, don't use them! They contain minerals that will leach out and change your water parameters.

Also, avoid rocks that come from places where pesticides have been sprayed. I just scrubbed my rocks well with hot water, let them soak a while then placed them in the tank.
Also pour ammonia over them. Another good test. You will want to boil after you do this XD

Orlon, I forgot the vinegar thing but it's good you caught it. :)
What rocks are you using that explode or crack? I just assume she grabbed some rocks from outside, it was always fine with me and I don't see why the rocks will explode/crack. No disrespect intended, just want to understand the reasoning behind it.
Some rocks like river rock and slate I've found explode when they get a wee bit too hot.... Any aicd will work I use Hydrochloric acid not because I have it available with dad's homebrew and the large 50L pots are awesome for boiling or soakin anything. I generally just soak a rock in boiled water with a little bit of bleach for 2-3 hours. Give them a soak for an hour in tank water that I save from a water change and they're good to go
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