Advice needed for ADF!

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No. Mollies get 3"-5" and have huge bio-loads (create a lot of waste). I think they need 29 gals minimum. The BGK needs atleast 55. All those fishies need to go back. That's way to much fish waste being produced in that little tank anyway, and your cycle would take forever.

Here's a guide to fishless cycling: The (almost) Complete Guide and FAQ to Fishless Cycling. While your finishing up your cycle, which by the way if you have high nitrites you are already well on your way, you can research what fish you want to stock this tank with. Feel free to ask questions along the way.

I'm going to recommend you start looking at "nano" fish, such as mosquito/chili rasbora, scarlet badis, endler's livebearers, sparkling gourami, and hara jerdoni.

It's crucial you begin dosing the tank with pure ammonia the same day you remove the fish. You need to continue feeding that bacteria so it doesn't die.
I disagree that the BGK needs only 55 gallons. Absolute minimum to me would be a 75 gallon and honestly Im not sure that is appropriate.

I agree completely with the nano fish though. If you do endlers you will probably only want males. Ive never heard of the hara jerdoni though...
I realize now it has been so long since I've sat down and read up on the BGK's that I had lost touch with the reality. I really had forgotten how big they get. I agree..I really don't even think 75 is good enough. A potentially 20" fish needs a looong tank.

Hara jerdoni aka mini moth catfish aka asian stone catfish. They very much resemble a moth. They are the smallest and least active bottom dwellers I know of. They should be given a sand substrate and they do great at cooler temps. :)
Ah, I can't use sand in my tank.. It's a biorb, can only use ceramic media larger than pea size so as not to get into the filter. But the other fish I can look at :)
I realize now it has been so long since I've sat down and read up on the BGK's that I had lost touch with the reality. I really had forgotten how big they get. I agree..I really don't even think 75 is good enough. A potentially 20" fish needs a looong tank.

Hara jerdoni aka mini moth catfish aka asian stone catfish. They very much resemble a moth. They are the smallest and least active bottom dwellers I know of. They should be given a sand substrate and they do great at cooler temps. :)
I wasnt trying to be judgemental about it I just thought that sounded odd lol I agree. That is one of the fish (like bala sharks) that I beleive is best for only the most dedicted. A fish should have foom to turn around and such. After reading your post I will also recant my minimum size suggestion. I think it does need to be much larger. I think long and wide. They are very active to my understanding.
I would love to get some of those moth fish! Not sure it would like my 76 degree tank though :p
Oh I know you weren' were totally right. ;)

76 should be fine for them. I do have to say though, I haven't had great luck with them! I've purchased 6 but I have 0 :( No idea why.
Oh I know you weren' were totally right. ;)

76 should be fine for them. I do have to say though, I haven't had great luck with them! I've purchased 6 but I have 0 :( No idea why.
Hmmm.... interesting. Have you ever seen the waspfish? I think it is also called a butterfly goby. It is awesome! Looks similar to the moth fish too!
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