Advice on what kind of fish to add next

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 22, 2003
I have a 125 gal double sided tank :lol: set up for 1 year with live rock, 1 scribbled angel, 1 yellow sailfin tang, 1 blue tang, 3 small percula clowns, 1 dragon goby, 1 small tame damselfish, 1 starfish, 4 shrimp, snails, 1 finger leather, 1 button polyp, 1 mushroom polyp, 1 bubble tip anemone. I would like to add several more fish of different color and interest that are compatible, and I need some help. Thank you!
I have a pair of yellow gobies that I think have alot of personality. Not sure if the dragon goby would like them being added though.

You could try a dwarf angel fish. THey have a reputation for nipping at corals but you sometimes find some that dont. My personal fav is a flame angel.

Firefish are also nice little additions to the tank that add color.
what to add next

Thanks for your help--I look forward to adding to my collection!
I would suggest a Flame Hawkfish. These little guys love the reef type environment, although can do without it, and have a LOT of personality. Not to mention, they are very colorful.

I recently purchased a Lemon Butterflyfish and love this guy. He eats everything, including lettuce, right from my fingers. He is the friendliest fish in the tank, comes right up to the glass wanting attention.

As fishfreek mentioned, gobies are also amusing, especially when they build their homes..LOL
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