AFB and otos

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 7, 2010
fresh meadows, new york
do you guys think a full grown oto and a african butterfly fish will get along well?
anyone have experience with these two fish in the same tank
i have no experience with them, but i know otos are pretty small, like 2", and the butterfly fish is a carnivore. sounds to me like an oto would be a nice snack.
i was thinking about that as well, the LFS guy said that they would get along fine, i just wanted to check with you guys/girls before i do my final planning for my tank
They'll get along fine until the butterfly gets hungry and has opportunity. ;)

It could work for a year or more. It could work for 30 seconds. The ABF is a very fascinating and efficient ambush hunter. If it can fit in the mouth, it eventually will. Are you set on otos? What size tank are you working with?
Well I would say that probably isn't a good match, based on the other replies here lol. Smart of you to do some more research. I remember going into petsmart and the guy tried selling me allkinds of stuff for my 10g, including a common pleco and some tiger barbs... now I konw there are some decent lfs' out there but they are far and few between. ABF is a gorgeous fish :)
i am working with a 55g, its going to be surrounded with lots of driftwood placed in weird angles, i have a outline lol... the problem of course is finding the specific driftwood. the stock i am going to go with are either:

1) dwarf puffers ( 2-3 )
otos ( around 7-8 ) i read otos and DP's go well together

2) african butterfly fish
and anything that can go with it mostly ( still doing research )

3) Tiger Oscars only
if i do this, i really dont want to decorate lol, mainly cause i want to showcase the tiger oscar

4) planning to fully do aquascaping and adding schools of tetras, guppies, loaches, otos and anything that looks real nice that does not grow over 3inches

so these are my plans, i still have over a month to think about it cause i dont want to start until i get back from the poconos on july 4th weekend, so any suggestions would help on what i can improve ^_^

i really like the dwarf puffer idea, those little guys fascinate the heck out of me, the problem is =P they are not compatible with lots of fish lol, BUT i am a predator fanatic, so i dont mind that much
I like 4 the best. what kind of loaches? khuli loaches are pretty neat. a nice big group of cories (10 or so) would be perfect, or two smaller groups of different variety, and they may even shoal together. I think this stock choice would be the most fun to watch, IMO.

an Oscar could possibly be slightly cramped in a 55gal. it would be totally different than a community tank, more boring IMO. even though oscars are cool and more like "real" pets, just a solitary Oscar in a bare tank isn't super entertaining. so it really depends what experience you want out of your aquarium.
i was thinking of ordering some Tropical Fish for Freshwater Aquariums: Panda Garra or Tropical Fish for Freshwater Aquariums: Sidthimunki Botia Loach , nothing really that grows over 3inches

and as for the aquascaping, i already have in mind what plants i want, i just need to do more research on the fertilizer, gravel and think of ways on how to showcase the fish.. would take more time of course =P i hate going into something without an imagination so, it would probably take longer for this to be completed
i already have most of the items bought as well, got two aqueon 50 filters, tubing, heater, thermometer, air pump etc, the gravel and testing kits and pure ammonia will come when i get back from poconos =] those are the only things i am missing... and of course the fish and lots of driftwood lol
I love your taste in fish. :)

I'd personally stick to the ABF in a 55 and stock around it. If you enjoy watching predatory behaviors, you'll never get tired of watching it. I've seen them thrive stocked with angels, gourami, and large bodied tetra.

The DPs are cool fish, but would be lost in a tank that large. Better to set up a little 10 for a pair of them. ;)

4 is a cool idea as well. Lots of small fish always seems to look smoking when it's well thought out. Gotta love a hobby with so many choices huh? lol
lol thnx, yea i do like the ABF idea a lot, i was thinking about gouramis!!!! but the gourami that i fell in love with is the Paradise Fish lol, and those are hard to find around my area =[ ill keep searching for them, but those are the only gouramis i would want to put in my tank, as for the angels, i aint really a fan of them that much =[, AFB grows only to 4-5"s so i am pretty sure i have lots of choices, i just need to find out which ones dont nip its fins lol since it is the main focus =]

lol as for the DP's i was actually thinking about how lost they will get in that big tank and i could not stop laughing after you mentioned it

and yep #4 is a neat idea, but i am just a beginner and that project seems to be out of my league for now, but would not mind taking that leap as long as i have the facts on how to do this and that ^_^ too bad there aint a pop up tutorial huh lol
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