Affordable 3D Background

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 10, 2012
Hey everyone!

I am in the market for an affordable 3d background. Whether it be factory made or DIY. I am getting a 4ft tank, 122cm long x 46cm high.

Long story short I have looked at online stores and i can't seem to find anything decent that isn't foam under $300.

It is for a Malawi Cichlids tank, so I'm looking for the big boulders / rocks look. If anyone has any good DIY tutorials or has built one themselves it would be great to hear some advice from you, or if anyone knows any cheap, Australian or worldwide stores that sell some good 3d background, it would be awesome to hear from you too ! :)

Cheers guys
That background drool worthy. I might have a try at that, got nothing to loose seeing as its the holidays! Thanks heaps!
Used egg crate, pond foam, river rock, PVC, JB waterweld and sand. Everything is fish safe. Total cost = 175. Took a while to build though. The wall completely hides the water filter, heater and air pump. I just put it in the tank, looks great.


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