African Dwarf Frog Question

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 3, 2012
Okay so I have been researching the ADF recently and thinking about possibly adding one or two to a 10 gallon Betta tank. (It's not set up yet) From what I've read it should work just fine but I do have a question. Can you put two males in a 10 gallon? Would they fight? Also, if anyone has anything they would like to share about the ADF I'd love to hear it. :)
I have 3 and I can't tell if they are m or f but they never fight I had 4 but 1 was really small and met my filter intake /: just make sure they aren't small enough to fit into those
I've got a couple in my ten gallon with a Betta. The Betta was very curious about them for a few days when they first went in the tank, because he had been living alone for about a month. He would notice them moving, and swim top speed across the tank to them and flare... but he never showed any actual aggression when I was watching the tank, and he doesn't even pay any attention to them now (2 weeks later)

I'm not really sure if the frogs I have are male or female, but they never really hang out with each other at all, and definitely don't fight.
I've already got them taking food from my hand, and they are now actually starting to come to the glass when I hover around the tank.

I bought some of the frog/tadpole pellets, and they will not touch them at all. They love freeze-dried bloodworms and tubifex, though!
The only way to tell the difference is when they are fully matured. Females are slightly bigger than males (and I mean *slightly*). My sister bought two ADF and one would sometimes cling to the other like it wanted a piggy-back ride (but we all know what was really going on). If you end up with both sexes I wouldn't worry. If the eggs are kept in the same tank the frogs will eat their own eggs. On the other hand, you could keep a few eggs in a separate tank with a heater and let them hatch. :3
Okay, I just wanted to make sure I didn't have to worry about getting two males. Still trying to decide if I want to go with ADF or something else but I'm leaning more toward the ADF. :)

Anything else I should know about them? I would love any more suggestions or experiences you guys can share.
African dwarf frogs prefer to be in groups, but two will be just fine. So I guess you could call them social. They like plenty of hiding places, and make sure you have open space at the surface so they can get to the air. They will eat the food that your beta will miss, but I personally like to feed mine bloodworms and tubifex worms straight out of my hand. Be careful if you have large stones in your tank, since some frogs like to borrow in substrates they might get themselves stuck and be crushed.

Then the obvious stuff, since they are a tropical frog you should keep the temperature between mid 70's to low 80's (which should also be perfect for your beta). Resist overfeeding because they will eat regardless of their "fullness". My frog would eat an entire cube of tubifex worms if I let him.
Thank leads me to another question. I know that I am supposed to feed them once or twice a day but how much do I feed them? I've done some research but I'm finding different answers.
A container of frog pellets will say 5-6 pellets per frog daily. But you have to take the fish food into consideration as well. I would recommend putting a pinch of pellets in a tiny dish or shell and always put it in the same place so they know where to find it (but every other day). As a treat and a good part of their diet, you can give them bloodworms and tubifex worms 2-3 times a week. They will also enjoy a mashed up pea every now and then to regulate their digestive system, just like in fish.

Footnote: Your beta may also feel tempted to eat the frog's food. My guppies do it all the time.
I've had TONS of ADFs. They are my all time favorite! I have 4 in my 55 gal. and 3 in my 10 gal, the ones in my 10 gal Love to hang out with each other. The 4 in my 55 gal. are lost to much to find each other. :D

If you get ADFs (and you should) they are wonderful to watch and feed, I feed bloodworms and algae pellets and froggy bites, they love it! They are so spoiled that the lay down when I feed them... especially my female in the 10 gal. I love ADFs so much that I complain when my grandma doesn't get any, lol. I still have yet another 10 gal. that will be frog-a-fied in the near future. B|
Can mix albinos and regular ADFs together? Will they still socialize or will they ignore each other?
I've never seen an albino ADF before, but I'd imagine they would still enjoy each others company. Just be sure that you're not getting one of those giant white frogs (can't place the name) but they will probably grow to the size of your hand and potentially eat the dwarfs.
Most "albino ADF's" are actually Adrican Clawed and will eat any smaller fish you put it with. Do you know how to identify the two different species?
Most "albino ADF's" are actually Adrican Clawed and will eat any smaller fish you put it with. Do you know how to identify the two different species?

That's the one I was thinking of. My LFS sells both and they look similar when young, but (FUN FACT) there are "Chicago ADF" and "Florida ADF". The ones bred in Florida look "beefy" if you will and have larger spots compared to the ones bred in Chicago. Back to the point; yes African Clawed frogs will be huge when full grown and can kill your fish.
I can tell the difference by how the eyes are placed compared to the African Clawed Frog; ADF eyes don't seem to bulge out as much. To the trained eye there are some major differences. African Dwarf frogs don't have fat limbs like the African Clawed.

Here's a good comparison picture.
Oh okay, I just thought I had seen albino dwarf frogs in the LFS and wondered. Thanks for the input guys. :) I'll probably just get two regular ADF.
Adf's have all 4 feet webbed, albino african clawed frogs and reg african clawed frogs are only webbed on their back legs and their back legs have 3 black claws! Hopefully this helps you!

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