african dwarf frog with gold fish?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 15, 2004
will it be ok to add a african dwarf frog in with gold fish. i have read that gold fish can sometimes be to aggressive for the frog.
oh well it was just an idea
i dont think the site i was reading from was very good it talked about keeping them in a gold fish bowl "yikes"
I kept a pair of ADFs in my fancy goldie tank for years. I finally built an outdoor pond for the goldies and moved the ADFs into my tropical tank. They have done fine in both tanks. The temperature of both tanks was always kept between 75-78. If you have common goldfish (coldwater), then I would not reccommend it.
A lot of people say no, but I say yes. I have six in my tank that I got about a year and a half ago, and all six are still in there happy as can be. Yes, they need heated water, but if you have egg shaped goldfish, that's good. I believe it's a misconception that "goldfish shouldn't be in heated tanks." Maybe that's true with some of the more common varieties, but the fancier egg shaped varities do better in 74-76 degree water. Mine are pretty big and the goldfish show no interest in trying to eat the frogs. My frogs can swim directly in front of my goldfish's mouths and the goldfish just turn their heads away.

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