Air bubbler needed for WCMM?

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Apr 4, 2012
Northern Colorado, USA
I have a couple of White Cloud Mountain Minnows in a 3 gallon planted bowl.

Up to now I have used an air bubbler, at the top of the tank. I tried finding if they are air breathers, like guppies, gold fish will do. Didn't see anything specifically about it.

Does anyone know for sure? The bubbler is noisy and takes away from the peaceful bowl and scares the fish a little too. So I was hoping to move it out of there if there would be no ill effect on the fish.

There are two small swords, Java moss and a Marimo moss on driftwood.

The fish will probably move back to the 16G tank pretty soon. But I would like to enjoy them for a while. They have been seemingly happy in here, the male and female together with the snails!
guppies nor gold fish should be breathing from the surface, if they are its either because there is not enough oxygen in tank, too much ammonia, or chlorine poisoning. gouramis and bettas are the only ones i can think of they breath from the surface because of their labyrinth organs that are unique to them. that being said you dont have to have an air bubbler. is their a filter in the tank? any surface movement will provide oxygen for them.
No just a planted bowl. Not a filter. There is a possibility I have a little Betta tank one I could add, if it actually still works, I saw it in the drawer a few days ago.

Was hoping not to need it. Plants provide some oxygen.
true, however at night they use oxygen, so if anything just use the air pump at night. even though air pumps don't really provide much oxygen that betta filter if it still works would be your best bet.

but since it is such a small tank, you could try to go without both, and just see how the fish do, check on them in the middle of the night with a flash light, if they are at the surface gasping for air. then you know you need to add more oxygen with either the air pump or filter.
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