Air bubbles coming from return

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 11, 2004
New Jersey
I'm posting this because my wife thinks this is a problem. I've got a Oceanic Sump and the pump is fully submerged. But occasionally I get a burst of air bubbles from the return from the sump. I don't think it's much of a problem because a little air is good. IMO. But as I said my wife is concerned.

So my question is, is this really a problem?
the bubbles arent a problem to ur fish, i dnt have any experience with sumps but i wouldnt have thought that wasnt meant to happen...
My bro's sw tank does the same thing. Well maybe not the same. When the water level gets too low, the return pump is no longer completely submerged and spits back lots of air bubbbles. Try raising the water level a bit or maybe lowering the level of your overflow.
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