Air Pumps?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 26, 2003
Daytona Beach, Florida
Is there any good reason to put an air pump in a fish tank aside from the pretty bubbles? Do the fish enjoy the bubbles? And whats the difference between the pumps I see at my LFS that cost $9.99 and the ones that cost $100? Do the more expensive ones run more quietly or pump more air?
The air puts oxygen in the tank, so if you don't have a heavily planted tank, it's always a good idea to have an air flow in the tank.

The difference in price, is not only quality (noisy vs. quiet) but the amount of pressure they produce. The $9.99 air pumps may only have enough pressure to handle one air stone, as where the more expensive you get, the more they can handle, ie., 3 air stones, and a bubble wand, etc.
To clarify, you do not need an air pump if your filter provides lots of surface agitation. Those pretty lil bubbles don't add oxygen to the water; the surface agitation they provide increases oxygen exchange, since at the surface is where oxygen enters the water column.
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