Air Stone

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 2, 2014
San Diego, CA
So I've been reading up a little bit on air stones and wanted to know what you all thought. What's the exact purpose? If you have one, do you think it makes a difference in your aquarium? I want to get as much info on them as possible before I purchase
So I've been reading up a little bit on air stones and wanted to know what you all thought. What's the exact purpose? If you have one, do you think it makes a difference in your aquarium? I want to get as much info on them as possible before I purchase
It will help to add oxygen into the water and create surface disturbance and prevent surface scum build up.
The person above is right when the water is agitated it allows oxygen to get to the fish. I have one and I think it helps my fish a lot. It also adds a small genteel current for my angel fish
You can get really nice ones that nake the tank look great☺

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Using Air Stones

So I've been reading up a little bit on air stones and wanted to know what you all thought. What's the exact purpose? If you have one, do you think it makes a difference in your aquarium? I want to get as much info on them as possible before I purchase

Hello jenn...

Air stones are mainly for show. If you like the tiny bubble effect, then use one. If your aim is to get mix more oxygen into the tank water, then save a little money and just attached a length of plastic tubing to the air pump and run the tube, minus the air stone to the bottom of the tank and attach it with a small, rubber suction cup.

The much larger bubbles provided by the tube alone will create much more surface movement and mix more oxygen into the water.

Air stones definitely make a difference. I have an Aquaclear 70 in my 30 gallon tank which is overpowered already. When I treat my fish with the antibacterial Melafix they all rush to the surface and gasp for air for at least an hour. With an airstone in addition to the Aquaclear the gasping is cut down to less than 5 minutes. It is not well understood why fish gasp for air with Melafix treatment, but it is hypothesized to be related to gill irritation rather than any change in dissolved oxygen. I believe this hypothesis to be true because the gasping begins almost as soon as the meds hit the water.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Aquarium Advice mobile app
In general use, an airstone isn't necessary. It's a good idea to keep an air pump on hand just for emergencies though. Your filter should create more than enough current to properly oxygenated the water.
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