Albino blood red long fin oscar

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 18, 2006
Hi, guy’s I like to know how to identify male & female on oscar fish.

I have 4 albino oscar, 4 tiger oscar, 4 blood red oscar long fin, 4 albino blood red long fin oscar.

I don’t know how to tell the sex’s of this fish.
Sexing oscars isn't easy unless you definitely have a couple of similar aged mature oscars for comparison. Since you have a large number of oscars (and also hoping you have a equally large tank for them), you can try this. The male's dorsal fin is longer and often overlaps the tail fin. Also, the male's anal fin is much more pointed. A females dorsal fin is usually rounder. The male may also have 2-3 dark spots at the base of the dorsal fin.

Ah! ok but I have a problem on my albino blood red long fin oscar because of the color. their is no dark spots on it.
I've try to search on google but the information that I get is the same inforamtion that you provide and the key thing is the spot.
there is no sure fire way of sexing an oscar.
even venting is not 100% accurate.
best way is to see if they spawn and hatch eggs.
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