Albino Bristlenose Pleco juvenile

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 28, 2015
I just got this little guy over the weekend and wanted to see what the forums had to say about him. He's only maybe just over an inch. Got him from pet smart as the employee kind of forced a sale on me but I was happy with it. I'm just a bit skeptical because he is doing an amazing job in the tank with 5 white skirts and he's getting rid of the algae before I can say boo. But I know he's a dump machine when it comes to waste. He's only in a 10G for now and I'm upgrading my filter this weekend to a whisper Ex30 to help with the situation at hand.

I also maybe plan on a 20 long soon and wanted to see what you all thought about it. Should I roll with this little guy til he grows a bit bigger maybe 2 more inches and rehome or do it from the get go and get otos instead? Let me know soon guys. Thanks
If you're upgrading to a 20 a bristlenose will be fine; if you like him, keep him! Bristlenose are pretty good about eating algae for a pleco.
If you're upgrading to a 20 a bristlenose will be fine; if you like him, keep him! Bristlenose are pretty good about eating algae for a pleco.

I do like him a lot if he stays around the size I think he will. But they really are dump machines and that worries me.
The ancistrus bristle nose pleco only grows to around 5 inches Max they do like to be in pairs aswell so I have been told.they do create a lot of waste so you are doing the right thing in adding another filter.they are lovely plecos just be careful when moving him into a new tank do not use a net as you can damage them use your I said they don't grow over 5 inches
Best of luck

20 gallon fancy goldfish tank
150 gallon koi tank
60 gallon cichlid tank
2 gallon neon tetra tank
Also they love zucchini and cucumber stick a slice in every 3-5 days and leave it overnight so he can feed nocturnal and make sure you have pleco wafers they cannot survive just on algae they need a proper food source

20 gallon fancy goldfish tank
150 gallon koi tank
60 gallon cichlid tank
2 gallon neon tetra tank
The ancistrus bristle nose pleco only grows to around 5 inches Max they do like to be in pairs aswell so I have been told.they do create a lot of waste so you are doing the right thing in adding another filter.they are lovely plecos just be careful when moving him into a new tank do not use a net as you can damage them use your I said they don't grow over 5 inches
Best of luck

20 gallon fancy goldfish tank
150 gallon koi tank
60 gallon cichlid tank
2 gallon neon tetra tank

I used a net to get him in the tank now, do you think that was the wrong thing to do?
It wasn't the wrong thing as you did not know as I didn't when I first got mine :) but from now on either use an unused kitchen cloth and remove him with your hands first then put him in the cloth and take him too your new setup.
There a great pleco to keep as they do not grow big at all and are amazing to look at.
Get him some driftwood aswell so he munch on that and also make sure he has some hiding spots :)

20 gallon fancy goldfish tank
150 gallon koi tank
60 gallon cichlid tank
2 gallon neon tetra tank
It wasn't the wrong thing as you did not know as I didn't when I first got mine :) but from now on either use an unused kitchen cloth and remove him with your hands first then put him in the cloth and take him too your new setup.
There a great pleco to keep as they do not grow big at all and are amazing to look at.
Get him some driftwood aswell so he munch on that and also make sure he has some hiding spots :)

20 gallon fancy goldfish tank
150 gallon koi tank
60 gallon cichlid tank
2 gallon neon tetra tank

Thanks for the advice. I do like everything about him so far, it's just the voices in the back in the back of my head telling me what to worry about like his size and how much waste he produces. It gets to me sometimes but I do like him. Do you recommend to vacuum the tank every other week as I do regularly(carefully of course) or do you think he will handle the gravel etc and the bigger filter will be enough to maintain water quality.
He won't get bigger than 5 inches that's there max size and most of them don't even reach that so your ok there don't worry about it.
Definitely do your regular gravel clean its a common misconception that a pleco will take care of your waste and uneaten food.

I have 3 plecos and I still do my gravel clean.

Your added filter will take care of the waste so I wouldn't worry about that


20 gallon fancy goldfish tank
150 gallon koi tank
60 gallon cichlid tank
2 gallon neon tetra tank
He won't get bigger than 5 inches that's there max size and most of them don't even reach that so your ok there don't worry about it.
Definitely do your regular gravel clean its a common misconception that a pleco will take care of your waste and uneaten food.

I have 3 plecos and I still do my gravel clean.

Your added filter will take care of the waste so I wouldn't worry about that


20 gallon fancy goldfish tank
150 gallon koi tank
60 gallon cichlid tank
2 gallon neon tetra tank

One more question. Sorry, just want to make sure I don't make any mistakes and be informed. Do your plecos run and hide while you're doing activity in the tank? For example vacuuming it? I'm sure it does but I just want to make sure, I know they may be different but in general, I'd like to know. Don't need the little guy getting in the way. :eek:
You can also use a turkey baster to just suck up the poop when you need to. I have three BN plecos, one in each 10 gal tank and they are my alltime favorite fish. Love them. Alison:)
You can also use a turkey baster to just suck up the poop when you need to. I have three BN plecos, one in each 10 gal tank and they are my alltime favorite fish. Love them. Alison:)

Lol sounds a bit odd but also a good idea. I'll try it. Thanks
Just read your other question and yes they will scoot out of the way when your vacuuming the tank. Also by the way make sure that is a turkey new turkey baster that is only used for the fish tank. They are great for spot cleaning. Alison
Just read your other question and yes they will scoot out of the way when your vacuuming the tank. Also by the way make sure that is a turkey new turkey baster that is only used for the fish tank. They are great for spot cleaning. Alison

Lol of course. Alright, thanks for that. I appreciate it.
They will move and scoot around they can actually be very tricky to catch if your moving them there quicker than you think.
Once you have one you won't turn back and they great thing is they dont grow to big.

Just keep doing what your doing and make sure there's
A hiding place
Pleco wafers
And feed veg every few days ( you can stick a fork through the veg make sure it's stainless steel though and the food will sink for him )

20 gallon fancy goldfish tank
150 gallon koi tank
60 gallon cichlid tank
2 gallon neon tetra tank
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