Albino Pleco mysteriously died.

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 13, 2013
Burbank, CA
I had my albino pleco for more than a month now and it suddenly it died this morning right after a water change. My water parameters are fine and my other fish are doing fine too. It was very active up until yesterday when it kinda just hid all day. I had two and the other one is still alive thank goodness. It was still pretty small around one or two inches. I did not see any symptoms except for a very slightly swollen belly. Anyone know what happened? Please help!

I also heard a myth that if you spell out its name when writing it will die. So some people write " ple*o". I don't think that's the problem. Lol.
Could have gotten bumped during the water change or something, that's all I can think of.
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