algae growth

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 23, 2004
washington pa.
ne1 know how to get green algae to grow
i have a bluue hippo tang and want to grow some green algae for her to graze on

i have no lr right now
I would also suggest buying some. I would steer clear of trying to grow hair algae as some tangs won't eat this and then you will have a problem.
what i was going to do is use a
clip light and a standard incandescent aquarium( or similar)
light bulb to get the green stuff to grow
i got some green on the glass but i want it on the rocks
b4 my qt ing the fish for ick
i had a spot or 2 of light green on one of my rocks
seeing as i kept the lights out in the main for the majoity of the time
to kill off the diatoms
my green is gone
having the rock out of the tank for 2 days didnt help either
well just got back fom the pet store and
picked up 2 fake corals
1 yellow orange brain (2.5"
6"lifelike condy anemone
as expected the fish wont go near it
but i'm being optimistic for a few days
Having green aleage may seem like a good idea but trust me it is not it will be fine at first then once it gets going it will over take the tank thats what mine did...But the blue hippo may eat it IDK my yellow tang didnt. Live rock would be good to startt and also leave your lights on for about 16 hours a day to get that stuff growing.
What about buying some macro algae and grow it on rock? Tangs are supposed to love this macro algae called Tang Heaven, i don't know the scientific name.
FYI, the hippo (pacific blue) tang is not a true herbivore - truth is they tend to have a more meaty diet than other tangs. In the wild they feed mainly on plankton. Don't waste your time growing algae for him, he doesn't need it in his diet and probably wont' touch it. I have a bigtime green hair algae bloom right now and my hippo does not touch it. No algae bloom in there is a good thing, trust me. Try frozen ocean nutrition formula 2, that has a mix of algae and meaty seafood.
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