Algae on plants

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 16, 2011
Hi all,

Just a quick one I hope? I seem to be getting some hairy algae growing on my plants and even with less light, I already do 20% weekly water changes and careful with feeding it just won't go away? Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you,

What kind of lighting? What size tank? Dosing any ferts or injecting co2? Is it hairy like this by any chance?



It is 125 litre with Fluval GLO lighting unit,
One Power-Glo Fluorescent Aquarium Tube 20W 60.96cm (24in) T8
One Aqua-Glo Fluorescent Aquarium Tube 20W 60.96 cm (24in) T8. It is similar you your pics but will post one soon to be sure. I am not using ferts or injecting co2. Thanks.
if it isnt over way sensitive plants you could do the hydrogen peroxide trick. if you dont mind taken them out and doing a dip or doing my "Treating plants in place" trick then.
In the end you must find out what it is that is causing this issue or it will come back within days. You can also get fish/shrimp that eat the stuff.

here is a link I found usefull also; Greater Washington Aquatic Plant Association » Algae in the Planted Aquarium
Yeah, I must say that H2O2 definitely got rid of the majority of mine. I coudn't find a dropper or syrenge, so I used a short piece of air line tubing, sucked some up, then blew is on to the area... It's kind of fun watching it fizz to. I've noticed a few dead java fern leaves, maybe I over did it? I've heard that Flourish excel works just as good, but can wreck havoc on certain plants (I wanna say vals?).
Wouldn't the algae use the CO2 to grow? Or does it just give the other plants what they need to compete?

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