Algae probs

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 2, 2012
Grand Rapids, MI
I currently have a 30 gallon with a bunch of 1/2" to 1" jewel cichlids growing. About 10 of them. I have noticed the green algae on the glass and a few fake plants is starting to get pretty dense. Is there a fish I can put in there and be reasonably safe? I do not want any snails unless they don't reproduce. Would Siamese algae eaters work? A young pleco? Keep in mind for any option it would be temporary, with the thought of moving them to my 75 gallon once the tank is a bit cleaner. Any suggestions would be helpful. I can always just clean the algae off myself but hoping for a fish to do it. Thanks
My recommendation would be a chinese or golden algae eater. From my experience, Siamese will not touch algae on the glass.
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