Am I crazy?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 17, 2006
South Dakota, USA
On another form about catfish that I browse I ran into a post that made me a "newbie" scratch my head and actually speak out. I want advise if I am nuts?

This poster said he wanted to redo his tank and had a 29gl tank and wanted Tiger Bards and Pictus Cats. He asked if they could be tank mates and how many pictus he could have in his 29gl.

The moderator suggested 8-10 Tiger Barbs and 5 yes FIVE pictus cats for the 29gl tank.

WHAT? Am I nuts to think this is massive overkill?

I sat there and did the math.... 5 pictus that get 6" = 30" of fish on the bottom of a 29gl tank? Add in the decorations they need to hide and well where is the room for them to swim on the bottom????

I have a 55gl with 4 (2 are four-line) and I can not imagine adding in one more pictus on the bottom and cramming it into a 29gl.
While I think 5 is too many, I think 3 could live comfortably in a 29 with diligent water care.
IMO they grow far too big for a 29 gal tank. I wouldn't even consider purchasing them for that size.
I read often that at least a 55gl is suggested. Some sites with specs on the fish suggest a min of 75gl.

Owning a 55gl myself with pictus now, I think the 75gl is more idea. My tank is 13" wide. A 6" fish doesnt have as much room as they should IMO.

Why get a 75gl? I am going all out for the 125gl this summer LOL
I have 2 pictus cats in my 55 gallon and they do take a LOT of space. Considering that they grow to 8 inches or so as well, I would definitley say 5 is overkill.

While 5 may physically fit in the tank, they won't in a few years.
lmw80 said:
I also think 29 is way too small for even one to comfortably live.
I would have to completely agree. It's just not enough space. I have a 29G and couldn't imagine a 6"-7" catfish on the bottom, with the minimal space after adding all the decor and plants, if planted.
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