Am I feeding my Kuhli loaches enough?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 9, 2013
I have 3 Kuhlis in a 10 gal with some other fish. I see them scavenging for leftover food and they climb in my plants and appear to nibble on them. I feed them blood worms every couple of days as well. I always see one or the other eating, but I rarely see all of them eat the blood worms I put in before my tetras find them. Am I feeding them often enough? Should I be trying harder to make sure each of them finds the blood worms? (They are all relatively small, about 1 1/2 to 2 inches right now)
I usually feed my bottom feeding fish, shrimp pellets. I had a catfish (who sadly passed away) and he LOVED the little pellets. Basically you put around 2-3 pellets in and they fall to the bottom. The loaches will pick up the scent and start eating them. You can probably find these pellets at your local petstore.

NOTE*: Keep track of the pellets. If they aren't eaten within a certain time period, they can and will become soft and can pollute your gravel/sand.

Hope this helped ya man!
That sounds like a good idea. 2-3 pellets daily though?
Actually, I would suggest maybe every other day? You said they eat alittle of the bloodworms? If thats the case, then feeding them the pellets one day then letting them eat some worms the next would be fine.
Yeah, when they find the blood worms they eat them. I try to wait until I see one of them out and then I put the blood worms near them, but usually only one of them finds the blood worms before the tetras do. I'll try alternating that with shrimp pellets and see how it works.
My kuhli loaches are always searching for food that's what they do their scavengers if te gravel is small enough they will go in and try getting whatever is left there.. I feed flakes toe my fish mon-sat and on Sunday I treat them to blood worms.. Although every night I do feed my ghost knife blood worms.. If say if the food hits the floor they will get it sooner or later, atleast I know my loaches they go under the decor
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