Am I treating my sick fish right?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 14, 2004
I have a picasso trigger that his eyes are clouded over. He has trouble finding his food. His color is very dimmished.

So I setup a 10galQT, with a aquaclear using foam and bio cubes. I'm treating him with copper and dong daily water changes.

Is this right so far? Should I be doing anything else?

I heard that if you give your fish a 1 to 2 minutes freshwater dip It will kill off all the diseases on your fish. But only do this if you know its diseased. When the fish starts moving slowly and very slowly when you put the fish in the freshwater then the parasites are dieing. then you should take it out.
I heard that if you give your fish a 1 to 2 freshwater dip It will kill off all the diseases on your fish.

This will stress out an already stressed fish, depending on how far along the disease is, it could possibly kill the fish. This will knock the ich off of the fish. Chances are, the ich has already fallen off of the fish and infected the main.

rdefino, any chance you can get a pic? If you didn't see the white spots, he may not have ich and you might want to treat him accordingly.

I found this site on triggers. See if he has any of these symptoms:
I don't see any ick. But, I'll get a pic of him. I check the site and he doesn't seem to have any of those symptoms.
How do post a pic. I've been searching and reading and can't figure it out.
I agree that FW dips will already weaken and possibly kill it. Dont treat for copper unless you know it to be ich. You might want to treat for viral or bacterial depending on what it is.
rdefino said:
How do post a pic. I've been searching and reading and can't figure it out.

Click on post a reply, then add it under add an attachment below the message box.
Well the picks are t old to post. But the triggers eyes that were proturding and very puffy have gone down. But. he has rapid grill movement and is just leaning up against the side now and won't eat. His color has come back some, but the brathing and very rapid. Should I stop the copper and try somehing else. If so, what's next?

Bad news, he died last night sometime. I thought he was getting better, but the rapid gill movement made be nervous. Any idea what could have happened? Was I doing the correct things to take care of him? I was doing daily water changes. I was aerating the water when prepping it for the water changes since I needed it to do water changes constantly. (Was that ok?)
So I setup a 10galQT, with a aquaclear using foam and bio cubes.

I would think the copper may have killed the bacteria (correct me if I'm worng). I'm sorry, I didn't catch this at first. When medicating, I believe the bioballs/wheel should be removed....

Sorry for your loss.
I wouldn't treat them with copper. Go with hyposalinity. Way better, here are some benefits:

1. You can use your main tank's filters on your QT. If you use copper, anything you use in the QT tank should not be used on the main tank due to the risk of contamination.
2. The lower the SG, the easier it is for the fish to breath.
3. Copper stresses the fish while Hyposalinity relaxes them.
Hypo is slowly lowering the SG of your QT. Like FF says it is easier for the fish to "breathe", thus being less stressful on the fish, while they heal.
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