amazing jap tank pics!

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
my step father(which raised me from 2 years old) is half jap and his mom is 100 per cent and never heard that before!
i dont feel its derogatory at all to be honest !! nor does he !
scuba_steve said:
my step father(which raised me from 2 years old) is half jap and his mom is 100 per cent and never heard that before!
i dont feel its derogatory at all to be honest !! nor does he !

Well, I am about as Western European as it gets, and I find it do all the Asians I know (which is quite a few, believe you me). It is a derogatory term created by the Americans in the second world war, and should be left back in history.
if i offended you i apologize to me it no different than calling british people brits for short and really feel your wearing your heart on your sleeve cause i know there are worse racial names for japanese or chinese! no harm was meant! just shorter to type thats it !
Americans are called "War-mongering Pigs" by much of the rest of the world... :roll:

Back to the tanks.

This is really facinating to me. What are they doing thats so different. how is it that their powerheads are so clean!!! The sand is Perfect!!! and the Corals are amazing!!! Lighting can't be the only difference.

also, where do you find shrimp like that!?! :)

i think they not as lazy as the rest of us and pull them out and clean the every week ! i normally only clean the screens on the power head do to its kinda hard to get the suction cups off it ya dont have nails or make sure the tabs are out heheh

dont think you can get some of those shrimp but click on that poe-poe link its has the science name and do a search might get lucky !
Get over it folks, he's just showing us some incredible tanks,
now back to the subject at hand.
That is some very cool looking shrimp. :)
Hey scubasteve, I simply should have pm'ed you. It would have been more appropriate and for that I appoligize. I don't want to make a big fuss over this little thing, but just wanted to kindly ask you to not use that word here. In no way am I telling you how to live your life but simply that some people may find it offensive. A lot of the times it is out of pure ignorance(for lack of a better word) that these things happen. You simply did not know that it was a derogatory word, as is the case a lot of the time. It happens, no harm done.
Ok, now we can drop the whole PC thing and enjoy the tanks. Right???


I love these two guys!



and check out how clean this sand is!



that is so wild! Their corals are amazing. It really makes me want to get my reef going even more now! Who in america has a tank like that? (Besides reefrunner and that Oregon Reef guy.)
hehe yep ya will have to drop the pc thing to get a tank like that :) thats for sure lolol
thats first shrimp look unreal ! or like some sushi :)

yea i want my reef to look like that ! need 4 more mh now hehehe
scuba_steve said:
klam mabe not but it looks a hell of alot better imo ! and the corals look good as well !
it like putting a new paint job on your car ! it looks better right ? as long as the coral isnt hurt why not imo

Yeah, they look great. It's also kind of like meeting a hot girl at a club and waking up to a not so hot girl because of the beer gogles that were on.
ROTFLMAO!!! :lol:
Seriously, I would love to find some shrimp like these...simply stunning. 8O
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