amazon aquarium

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Feb 18, 2012
I want to do a completely amazon aquarium with maybe one exception.
A true giant gorami.
Please list chiclids that would do well in a amazon tank, I have a general Idea of a few cool fish, but there are alot that could be forgotten.
The size of the tank is going to determine what you can keep in it as far as cichlids go.
I'm aware, I just want a list of amazonian chiclids, if I must put a numbe of gallons about a hundred.
I have dedicated amazon 180 gallon tank. Here are some species that I either own or have looked at:

Green terrors
Pikes (tons of varieties)
Geophagus (tons of varieties)
oscars and discus don't work. I have tried. I had 7 discus about a month ago with 1 Oscar and they either all died except for one I have. they died cuz the oscars attacked them for food, they didn't get any food, or the oscars made the tank dirty. don't even try discus are too sensitive and too expensive in my opinion
but if u don't have any big dirty fish like oscars I totally recommend discus they are my favorite
dwarflionfishlover said:
oscars and discus don't work. I have tried. I had 7 discus about a month ago with 1 Oscar and they either all died except for one I have. they died cuz the oscars attacked them for food, they didn't get any food, or the oscars made the tank dirty. don't even try discus are too sensitive and too expensive in my opinion

Who said anything about oscars and discus as tankmates?
oh sorry I was looking at the list u wrote up there and thought those were everything u would put in there
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