Amazon sword plant

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 6, 2013
I have a amazon sword plant that I moved the other day. The roots were good and it was in pretty good but I moved it anyway. Now the problem it it keeps coming up rooted but only when I turn the light off. I have left the light on for a couple nights now and it has not come out and none of the fish bother it. Does anyone know why?
When replanting a Sword it helps to cut the roots down to about 3" long before replanting. This will encourage new roots to grow. If it had a big root system and is a big plant you could get the roots replanted in a way to keep the plant anchored. Leaving lights on for 3 days is not a good idea and you really need to turn them off. If need be find 2 or 3 rocks that are big enough to butt up against the sword to hold it in place for a few weeks until it can root properly.
I agree with rivercats. I've had to place some stones around some plants here and there until the root system attached itself.
I tried the rock last night and turned the light off and it stayed there this time thanks for the advice!
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