Amount of Crushed Coral?

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Are you trying to increase your pH? If so, put a bag of about 2 to 3 cups in the filter. It can be put in a bio-bag. Thi doesn't need to be changed except for about every 6 months.
I'm sorry, I read your post incorrectly. I thought it said 55 gal, not 5.5 gal. A 5.5 gal would need a LOT less crushed coral. I'm assuming that you will be using it as a substrate since it can't be added to the filter. If this is the case, do you plan to just put it ontop of the current substrate? I'm afraid that if you make the entire tank's substrate the crushed coral, that it will peak too high. What is your tanks current pH? That also plays a factor in how much it will change.
If you are wanting to gradually increase it by 1.4, then I am assuming that your current pH is 6.6 Is that correct?

What I would do is just put the crushed coral ontop of your current substrate. It will eventually mix itself around with the substrate, but that shouldn't be a problem. I would put about 1/3 of a cup in the tank, let it go for about 2 weeks and see where the pH is at. It will take a few weeks to get the actual pH reading. If it is lower than what you want, then just add another 1/3 of a cup. but you shouldn't need any more than 1/3 cup since it is such a small tank.

I bought about 10 pounds for my 55 gallon and gradually mixed it into the substrate over about 2 weeks while watching the PH... It raised from about 7.6 to 8. Then it started coming back down for some reason... I added some Texas Holey limestone rocks which have kicked the pH up to about 8.5, and it seems to have stabilized there. Ebay is a good place to find Texas Holey rocks if you are interested. The are great for small Africans... They love swimming through the maze of holes in the rocks. You may find some small enough for your 5 gallon.

For a 5 gallon, I'd buy 2 pounds of crushed coral, and slowly pour it over the substrate until you reach your desired PH... Do this over about a 2 week period.
I apologize, my pH is at 7.4, I wanted to raise it to about 7.9 for my African Cichlids.

How much of the coral should I use, and I spread it over my gravel?

I also have pH up from Mardel, should I use that, or is that too drastic for my size tank. I only bought it for emergencies. I just want to raise my pH gradually because I heard the African chichlids enjoy a higher pH.
You should know that african cichlids will not be able to live in a tank that small for long. Are you planning on getting a bigger tank?
Don't use the pH up. Not even in emergency situations. It is not a good product to use at all. IMO, it's just a waste of shelf space at the lfs. Just spread it over the gravel. It will mix in with the gravel eventually when doing gravel vacs, but that shouldn't be much of a problem. You may have to add more later on if it starts to lose it's effect from being under the gravel. But this is all new territory for me beacuse we just put it in the filter. Since you're not wanting to raise it too much, I'd say to start at about 1/3 cup and go from there. Right now we have 6 cups in the 150 gal filters. If that gives you any idea. BUT, our pH is 7.0 out of the tap and it's stabalized at 7.8.

As Rok stated, you will need a much larger tank, at least a 55. I recall from other posts that you said you are planning to get a larger tank. The africans will grow really fast so be prepared.
Yes, I am planning on getting a 46 gallon for my den. I just got these fish about 2 weeks ago, and I have had the tank I have now for about a month. I never have had fish before, and I wanted them as a more "decoration" for my room. I realize now what effort they are, but I enjoy the hobby. My three African Chichlids are about an inch each. I can notice they have grown a little since I have gotten them, but how quickly do they grow on average?
Probably not the best example since you have Malawians, but I bought 3 Frontosas about 3 or 4 months ago at about 1 inch in size. (Tanganyikans) They are now over 2 inches, with the largest one about 2.5 inches.
An example of how fast they grow: I bought 3 Yellow Labs back in Feb. Last December I bought a 2 1/2 inch Yellow Lab. The three small ones that I bought in Feb have grown to the same size as the one that I got in December. And I bought them when they were about an inch to an inch and a half in size. They grow rather quickly when they are small. And it's not just their size, they need lots of swimming room.
How long do you think I can wait before I get a bigger tank? They aren't exactly cheap lol. I am planning on getting one, but not right away. Also if I do get one, a 46 gallon is what I am thinking will fit, can I put other fish in with my African chichlids. If I can, what kinds will be compatible with them?
I am also going to try and figure out how to post a pic so I can give you an overview shot of my tank with the fish in them so you can get an idea of its size.
soccerstud652 said:
How long do you think I can wait before I get a bigger tank? They aren't exactly cheap lol. I am planning on getting one, but not right away. Also if I do get one, a 46 gallon is what I am thinking will fit, can I put other fish in with my African chichlids. If I can, what kinds will be compatible with them?
Well, it would be best to get a bigger tank ASAP.
I think they can live with some syno catfish.
syno petricolas are the smallest variety of synos... They come from Lake Tanganyika. They will do fine with Malawians. The petricolas get about 3 to 4 inches in size... And have great personality. I have 3 of them.

There are many different Aficans you can mix them with.
If you can afford a 46 gal tank, a 55 isn't much more. You could even go for a 75 for about $50 more than the 55 gal. At least around here anyway. African's really need at least a 55 gal tank. They are aggressive and territorial. They needs lots of open swimming space but lots of hidnig places.
Any suggestions on tanks and or brands? I am thinking of getting a TopFin tank at PetSmart. Bad Idea? Good Idea? Give me some input!
I prefer All Glass, but have had good success with Top Fin. PetSmart has good deals ever so often. That's where we got our 150 gal complete setup for $600. Just went in to get a Rubbermouth Pleco and came out with a tank. Oceanic is also a great brand, but it's more expensive. There is a visual difference with the TopFin, but it's not a bad tank.
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