An update on my tank and its survivors

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 11, 2005
New York State
Well, I should have updated this thread a long while ago, but I have been very busy. To make a long story short, I thought I had lost my 4 keyholes when that "October Surprise" storm hit my area, knocking out the power and thus the filter, heat, and air pump.

I thought the 4 were dead, but when I went to net them, they were still showing a little flop in the net! So, I gingerly put them back, as looked like they were on their last fin. To my joy, later that day, the power came back on along with all the aquarium equipment!

The 4 had it hard thru all that, and it took several days for them to recover, but they survived and are now eating heartily!

Yet, they hide much more often now than before. I'm talking they are mostly black colored and stay motionless behind a rock or plant for hours. It seems like they are stressed, yet I have never seen any fish bother them at all.

What can I do to help them, cause I have tried many things and it doesnt seem to work; moving rocks, adding 2 bolivian rams as buddies don't seem to work- they still cower alot. Maybe add some active fish or something? Thanks
Congrats on their survival. I don't know if active fish would work at bringing them out more. It might but I would be prepared that it may make them want to hide even more. I would add fish as restocking for the ones you lost as you like and keep up with regular water changes. They may just need a bit more time to get back to normal.
Yes, I agree Zagz. Poor little guys seem to be shell-shocked or something. But, I hope they'll come around. I thought about adding some light bio load fish, like cardinal or diamond tetras for a mid-top level swimmer. Also, do these fish become susceptible disease when they are turned so black and seem to be cowering behind a rock or plant stem?
Cichlids change their colors according to mood, lighting, substrate color, etc. Being stressed may lower their resistance to disease somewhat, but color change is a symptom, not a cause. Keep the water clean and fresh, they should be alright over time.
im assuming you have tested the water parameters since the power went out & did pwc?
Yes I have- all params are at zero. The ph is staedy around 7.6 or so. I do a 25-40% water change every week, (depends on waste amount; some weeks its low,other times its closer to 40).
I added some congo tetras with some orange fantail mollies (mated!) and they seem to be interacting well with keyholes and rams. So, we'll seee what time brings for them.
I think it's like post traumatic stress syndrome for fish. They have to have time to recover and trust their surroundings again. Keep us posted on how they do.
Yes. All seems better now that the mollies and tetras are in the tank. They are very active fish, so it keeps the keyholes from hiding so much. Plus, their color is staring to return more. So, I think they are on the uptake.

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