anacharis growing white stuff

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 27, 2004
San Fernando Valley/Northridge Area, CA
I have had several anacharis stems in my tank for about two weeks now. They're growing fast. However, there are white stuff growing out of them. It looks like roots from land plants but coming out of the sides of the anacharis stems. Should I cut them off? What are they?
I think they are roots. Mine just sunk into the gravel and helped anchor the plant. If don't like them, there should be no harm in removing them.
Those are roots and I would leave them there if you can. They are helping the plants get nutrients from the water and will reduce algae growth. You can cut them off if you wish but they will eventually grow back.
It's debated as to whether those root like nodes are absorbing nutrients from the water...or storing nutrients. I think they are for storage, because I only see them in high light, high nutrient tanks...never at the LFS where lighting is sub-par.
I had some anarcharis in a 10 gallon with about 1.5 Watts per gallon. I left them floating and they great very long roots. It was about 6 inch or longer.
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