Anacharis question?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 26, 2013
Missouri USA
I just bought one of these tonight from Petco. I was wondering what I need to look out for. They are supposedly easy plants but I am finding conflicting information. I currently have it in my 10 gallon with my betta. The temp was higher then it was suppose to be at around 81-82. I turned it down some. It sounds like these plants grow best in cold water so what would be the best temperature without hurting my betta. If it grows I'm hoping to put the clippings in my 15 gallon with my other male betta and my 29 gallon with my swordtails. What temp would be best for the swordtails if I don't kill it, lol. Thanks in advance. If this goes well I'm going to start planting my tanks. :) :dance:
I never have any luck with anacharis when I try to plant it, so I use it as a floating plant. It is a fast grower and you should have plenty of clippings soon.
I never have any luck with anacharis when I try to plant it, so I use it as a floating plant. It is a fast grower and you should have plenty of clippings soon.

I planted it. Should I just let to float for now? I don't think that would bother my betta. Actually he might like it since he enjoys making bubble nest.
I would. My experience with Bettas is that they like floating plants quite a bit.

Eventually you'll have enough of it that it will grow down into the tank, and your Betta will like that too.
I agree that it doesn't do well planted I pretty much killed mine that way and I wasn't even using excel.
As for the other question about the swords they tend to be on the lower spectrum of tropicals. I have heard of them kept as low as 60f but I think they do well in a fairly wide range from 64-82f.
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