Anemone Advice

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Nov 17, 2004
Brunswick, MD
I am picking up a BTA tomorrow and was wondering if I could get some advice on how to place it in my tank. I know that they can sting and was wondering how to go about getting it settled in the tank.
I would cup it under the foot, trying to avoid the tentacles if you are worried. I'm not sensitive to anemone stings so, I've been lucky. As for positioning, just place it on the rocks. It will wonder around the tank til it finds it's happy spot.
After you acclimate it properly(imo at least an hour of drip acclimation) Scoop it into a net and set it on the substrate where you think you might like it to go. Make sure there is a lr with maybe an overhang. It's going to go wherever it wants to anyways but if you give it an overhang it is more likely to attach to it. Turn off the powerheads and give it a couple of hours to attach itself. If you leave them on they will just push him around and he may have a hard time attaching or get caught in one. Don't panic if he looks like crap or shrinks up to nothing but a blob. You might even want to turn the lights off for an hour or so to help him get used to your tank first.
just place it on the rocks. It will wonder around the tank til it finds it's happy spot.
Once it is settled in do ot try to move it, even if it is in a spot that you do not like. Good luck with the anemone.
Great news!! I got my bta and 2 ocellaris clowns, within 2 hrs of being in the tank the clowns had already found the bta and were hosting with him. So far all look healthy and happy. Not bad for ordering online
Awesome! Is this from the place you told me about(Vivid)? Please give updates from time to time. I've still not made a decision on where to get mine.
Yeah it was They arrived at about 9 this morning from Fed-Ex. Acclimated them over about an hour then released them. The clowns paired up and toured their new digs and the anemone crawled around for about an hour or so before he planted center stage at the base of a piece of lr. the clowns keep sswimming away then coming right back. After the mess I had with the damsels this is like a breath of fresh air!! What I got into it for
That's great. Sounds like you had good luck with them. I was just browsing their site again. Perhaps I'll give them a shot.
I'd recommend them to anyone. Polite, knowledgeable staff (my lfs said a BTA and an ocellarris wouldn't host), good prices and great results
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