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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 5, 2004
San Antonio, Texas
I have a carpet anemone in my tank now. Is it possible to add another anemone like a BTA or something? If not what other anemone can I add?
I'm not positive, but I believe you can put whatever other anemone you wanted, but you would need to have them separated within the tank... someone please correct me if I am wrong... I just know that if you have a big enough tank, you can have a pair of percula's with a carpet anemone, and a pair of tomato clowns with their preferred bubble tip anemone.
I dont know. I have some False Perculas. I know if they are small and grow up together they will get along. But if you try and put adults in together they will have territorial disputes.
From my experience (and watching the LFS), false perculas aren't nearly as dense as any other clown fish. You can group them (have tons of them), where as true perculas get anal with more than 2 or 3 (large dominant, subordinants). My step-father's tank has a maroon clown (which totally destroy any and all anemone's you give it) and a tomato clown -- they have plenty of space in the 150gallon, but do bicker if the tomato gets into the maroons area.
Back to the question, if you have a large enough tank you can have more than 1 type of anemone. If they are close together they may try and kill each other of chemically and take your tank out with it. You could try it in your 20, but be prepared to return one if things go south.

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