*Anenome Looking Dead Or Pregnant??**

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 18, 2005
New York
This is a photo of my friend's SW reef tank's anenome. The green is the tentacle's the gray looking stuff is what is bursting from the sides. What can it be? These are the best pics I can get. 29gal. Eclipse system. all water levels are immaculate. It is 5 days old and has been wide open for 4 days. It shifted a lil around the tank. What can be wrong thanks?? Thanks

If it's a Eclipse system with stock lights, SO not enough light ! And how old is the tank? These things need a WELL established tank... WELL established...
If he can't light it, he should start feeding it as much as he can get it to eat as often as possible. Maybe that will help it sustain while he figures out how to upgrade his lighting. Good luck.
The pic's not that clear but it looks like the retractor muscle has lacerated and the gut has come free. 5 days like this? I'm suprised it's still alive. Do you have any new pics?

Steve-S said:
retractor muscle has lacerated

OWWWWWWW! Man that just sounds like it hurts, BAD! What causes that to happen?
Phyl said:
What causes that to happen?
Collection and transport for the most part. LFS are usually high on the list as well. If the interested (often unaware) customer does not wish to purchase the rock they are often adhered to, they simpley "rip" the poor thing off.


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