angelfish, need help!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 1, 2011
Dallas, Texas
Okay so I went to feed my corys and my freaking stubborn Angelfish decided they'd try to eat the shrimp pellets. They always steal their food.
Now both of my angels have pellets stuck in their mouths. What do I do? Should I be worried?
is it stuck or is it just to big to swallow? my jewels always try and swalow fodd too big but can always spit it out9but almkst never do)
I think they eventually were able to spit it back out. Ill check again later. Dang fish don't leave any food to the corys even if I just fed. Corys.
I think they eventually were able to spit it back out. Ill check again later. Dang fish don't leave any food to the corys even if I just fed. Corys.

Dont know if it really helps or just seems to, but in my 55 gal I always feed my angels on the side farthest from the filter output first then feed the smaller food to my tetras, barbs, etc. My angels tend to stick to the larger pieces and everybody seems to do well. Sometimes if I give them something that takes a little longer to eat like dried shrimp or something extra crunchy they have to work at, it gives the little guys more time to get their fill. Good luck!
Ill try to do that! Put the cory food on the other end.
The problem is after they're done eating they go to the bottom looking for that food. I don't want to feed them anymore for overfeeding and how can they want more they just ate a lot!!
My angels are pigs and they were obsessed with swallowing the shrimp pellets whole ever since they were tiny. Now, they actually can. The pellets shouldn't get stuck since they sort of dissolve in water....
What works best for me, is to dump in the shrimp pellets first before the angels realize they are in there. Then, I feed the flakes. That is what works best for me, but I still have to put in extra shrimp pellets since the angels always eat a few no matter what I do. I also reach my hand in and put the pellets in caves and stuff so the angels can't reach them.
Ohh okay. I only have one cave and its under my driftwood but ill try that too.
Don't want my corys to starve bc of those dang angels.
My angel is a big pig... ;) I'll drop in an algae disk and it even goes after that! Piggy!

I hear ya! But yeah - hopefully they'll dissolve?

My angel is a really beautiful black & tan marbled... Lovely to look at but a bit of a PITA :)
I wouldn't worry about your Corys too much. You would be surprised at what they manage to find to eat. I have 6 Angelfish and a school of Corys and it doesn't matter how much I feed the Angels they still move on to the Corys food when they're done.

My Corys must be getting enough from somewhere because they show all the signs of being happy and when I bought them they were tiny and they have easily doubled in size since then.

I do have some bog wood in the tank for them so that they can get what they need from that when there is nothing else for them.
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