Another weird critter

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 24, 2015
So these were the best pictures. I've found two of them hiding in Chaeto in my refugium and my secondary tank for copepods.

I'd describe them as a squid looking bug with a lot of tiny little tentacles. Any ideas on what it is?

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Take it out and put it in a shallow saucer of water, then snap a pic. No matter what it is, it's not hurting anything in the refugium.
it's hard to see in your picture , but than you said squid like and this is what came to mind , do they look like either of these 2 picts , the first pict is a baby serpent star , the second pict is a baby brittle star ,
if they look like either of these 2 picts they are harmless ,
if neither of these match get a better pict for a better Id
When I find him again I will do so and get more pictures. It's definitely not either of them. I can identify those guys pretty well.

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I would have said the same thing, except for all of those tentacles. I once had a swimming anemone in my sump. It didn't look like this, but it had many tentacles and a brown body.
Here he was....
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