antibiotic treatment question

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 25, 2007
Southern California
I have a powder brown tang in QT. I purchased him on Tuesday saw him flashing so decided to do hyposalinity treatment right away since the pbt is such an "ich magnet" anyway. I just got down to 1.009 today. I few days ago i noticed white things hanging off the mouth of the fish. Also there are a couple on the body of the fish. They look too big to be ich. I am thinking some kind of fungus. ( I will get a picture on here later) My question is can I treat with some type of antibiotic while the fish is at 1.009? If so please keep in mind that I am adding some Marine Buffer to help maintain the PH and also some Amquel+ along with frequent partial water changes to keep ammonia level in check. I am reading about .25 ammonia thats why I am using the Amquel+. My QT is only 10gallon but this pwc/amquel+ technique has worked for me in the past. I just dont know if I can add antibiotics with the other 2-chemicals. Any suggestions on what I should use to treat with? Thanks for your help.
Hypo is a pain, but worth it. I was doing 2x/day 20% pwc's to keep pH stable ammonia in check till the bio filter got established (now I keep a biowheel in the sump).

You might want to treat with Furanase which can be used to treat common infections like mouth fungus, as well as other gram-negative and gram-positive bacterial diseases.

It's harder to medicate in hypo because of all the water changes, but it can be done.

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