Antibiotics for fish that won't eat?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 5, 2004
Glen Ellyn, IL
I have lost 3 out of 5 new angel fish. Brought home, They either didn't eat, or poorly ate then stopped eating 10 days ago . One is very happy and eating, one is not eating and going the way of the 3 who died. My wife insists that a broad spectrum antibiotic like miracyn two is needed. the water parameters are great (pH7.6, NH3=0, NO2=0, NO3 = 5 or less.) there are no other symptoms or signs on the fish. Tank is establlished and all other inhabitants happy.

Now, my wife is a nurse, and nurses as a group tend to think that antibiotics are needed for everything. That comes from hanging around doctors who prescribe antibiotics a lot. sincle the fish didn't look like it would make it more than a day or two, I put it in a QT and I tried it. After 24 hours it seems to be perking up and taking an interest in food, but I am not sure that it has really eaten yet, but it is no worse or better today.

Any ideas?
I would kick the temp up to 82. Sometimes it kick starts a fishes appetite. I agree that using an anitbiotic for something you're unsure of is not a good idea.

The problem is more than likely stress induced and environmental. If it's a disease, I would think parasites before something bacterial. Just easier to treat for.
Fish Surgeon said:
What pH was the water the angelfish came in?
LFS tanks are pH=7.6, same as mine. I was in there yesterday, they denied any problems with the fish while they had them, said they had no complaints from buyers. They were feeding the same stuff. Of a tank of about 15, only one was left.

Odd thing is, since dosing with miracyn two, he is perking up and nibbling at food. The other survivor is in the display tank very happy.

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