Anticipating the Second Flood?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 6, 2011
South Texas
Tonight when I was doing a water change in my 15 gal tall tank (10 gal footprint but half again taller) I noticed a line of what looks like salt flowers along the seam between the glass and the front bottom plastic. I hadn't noticed it before because I had a stack of papers on the table in front of the tank that hide it, although the paper was NOT resting against the glass or the plastic frame. Note: This is a FRESH water tank, not salt!!
Does this mean I am likely to have a tank failure soon??? none of my other tanks have this line of "salt flowers" at that seam. Should I invest NOW in a new 15 gal tank. I KNOW it will be a royal pain to change out because it is jammed against the wall in a corner and has my 10gal betta tank right next to it (which BTW is now doing great thanks to the help I got here with my cyanobacteria infestation). It will have to be drained and lifted straight up.. ugh.... and trying to HOPE that the new tank will cycle OK with the same water, rocks, etc., from the old tank....
Help!! Y'all have been wonderful with your other help... can you help me with this "problem".. before I have to start swabbing the floor of 15 gal of water and fish......
Could be some water got spilled over the edge of the tank or might be a seep.
Seems that water is evaporating at that seam. The question is how it got there. I'd dry off the seam as completely as I could with paper towels and whatever then the watch it very closely with the aid of good light to watch for any sign of dampness.
LOL... I am so paranoid that it might be leaking that I am checking it several times a day with paper toweling. Is there anyway to "stop" a leak/seep without draining the entire tank? The ends seem to be okay.. I just craned around to see the back of the tank and the same thing is happening there also... No actual water, just the salt flowers.... I can't really get to the back of the tank as it sits only a filtration system distance from the wall.
Yep, definitely a seep.. I don't get any wetness on a paper towel, but the salt flowers are coming back. That tank has been set up for 16 months and the salt bloom is only on the long sides, the two short sides are clean. I have never moved the tank since it was placed there... any suggestions... so I am not sure what would cause it to leak at this point. Could the fact that it is a tall 15 gal (10gal footprint but much taller) have anything to do with it? A 10gal would not hold the vertical stuff in the tank... and I don't have the space for a longer lower tank on the counter... I would have to move it off this counter totally and put it on a stand.... I could get a longer lower tank and change out the decorations with my goldie 29gal tank but that is totally the LAST thing I want to do, unless I have no other options.That 15gal tall was a gift from my business partner who is still missing in Mexico so I am kind of attached to it... Any suggestions????
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