Anubias not doing so well

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 25, 2005
pei, canada
Hello everyone, i have a problem, all of my plants are doing great except both varieties of anubias that i have keep shriveling up, and my hydroctyle verticillata keeps getting black algae on it, not hair algae, just spots on the leaves.
I have:
alternanthera reineckii
lilaeopsis novae- zealandiae
amazon and broad leaf swords
anubias barteri
another larger anubias species i can't remember the name of

Water params:
temp 83 degrees
ph 7.2
kh 12 degrees
ammonia: 0
trites: 0
trates: 15 ppm
phosphates: 1ppm

Tank setup:
77 gallon
1.1 wpg with 18000k powerglo bulbs
diy co2
fluval 404

4 4" discus
30 neon tetra
4 flying foxes
3 dwarf gouramis
1 feeder guppy( i dont' know how he got in there, and i can't catch the little S@!t)
I use root tabs under the swords and do small doses with plant gro npk and excel once a week with my pwc. any help is much appreciated. On an unrelated note, does anyone know of a good algae eating fish that can be kept in a planted tank with discus.. thanx.
These are a couple questions that come to mind...

Is the rizome buried beneath the substrate and rotting?
Do anubias do well in warmer water?

Everything else seems to be in good order.
I would think SAEs would be OK with discus, not totally sure about the temperature, but temperament-wise, mine are pretty mellow and don't bother anyone.
Most anubias upper temperature is 30c or 86F.. you are very close to that temperature.

I have not seen anubias shrivel.. I would think salinity but that's doubtful if the other plants are doing well. Most like it's too hot for them.
hey use albino bristlenose catfish with your discus for algea clean up, im in the process of doing a 55 gallon discus planted and thats what you are supposed to use. Plecos can attatch themselves to the side of a discus and eat the slime coat. Have you had any problems growing the discus out in a planted tank? also have you had any problems with only having 4 instead of 5 or 6?
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