Any recipes for a "brine solution"?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Oct 28, 2002
Vancouver, BC.
I have a FLUVAL 304 canister filter.

On the back of a box of FLUVAL Ammonia Remover, it states;
Change or recharge bi-weekly. To recharge, soak in a strong brine solution for 24 hours and rinse thoroughly.

I know that a Brine solution is a saltwater mix but a "Strong Brine Solution" is such a relative term. Strong compared to what?

I've been hunting on HAGEN's site and also with GOOGLE searches for a definition (without any success).

All I am looking for is "X tablespoons of aquarium salt to Y cups of water".

Do any of you have any "Recipes" ?
Using a synthetic seasalt (probably cheaper than the FW salt) 1/2 cup per gallon of water will yield approx 1.021 SG, that I believe would be considered a strong brine solution. Another option would be to get a hydrometer and start adding rock salt (very cheap), to a SG of over 1.017.
Hi reefrunner69,

Thanks so much for the quick response.

I just heard back from HAGEN's technical support guys (it has been about 5 days since I left them the message).

Thank you for contacting us regarding your aquarium.

Brine is defined as the saturation point on salt in water. Therefore, a brine solution would contain the amount of salt that could possibly dissolve in water, resulting in a specific gravity of 1.202, which is about 10 times that of a marine aquarium and is about 230 grams per litre (a little less than 4 cups in per gallon).

Hoping this helps,

Peter McLeod
Rolf C. Hagen Inc.
I thought I would post this in case anyone was interested in what the manufacturer had to say.

I thought that recharging the ammonia remover packs would be more cost effective and environmentally friendly (less garbage) but at 10 times the salt of a marine tank, now I need to price out the salt.... :lol:
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