Anyone edit videos on the computer?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Mar 30, 2004
Raleigh NC
Hey everyone. I was wondering what all everyone uses to edit their movies on a computer. I used an Avid MC Express (real digital editor) for a few years so I'm finding it very hard to adjust to a PC based system.

I do need something that can handle audio fades, video fades, captions, and also speeding up, slowing down, and playing video in reverse.

I have tried Adobe Premiere 7.0 but I have found that when I export it to DVD, the A/V always gets off sync by the end of the dvd. And it's the same on my PC's dvd player, and 2 home dvd players, so I know that's not the issue. I would just export it as an mpeg and author it in another program but the program crashes everytime I try that.

So... what do you guys use? Thanks

As an FYI I am on a windows machine. Final Cut seems to just be apple... unless I didn't look hard enough.
Sony's Vegas Video 5 should work for what you are tring to do. I used to use version 4 before I got my dual G5 apple & 23" cinema display hehe! now I use Final Cut Pro HD. Vegas Video is very user freindly.
eeww your gross i hate macs and apples i cannot get a hold of them i mean for god's sakes THEY HAVE 1 MOUSE BUTTON!!!!!!!! and the keyboard is tiny as hell-o how are you guys today LOL
Suprised your having issues with Premier. For my video work I acutally use a Roxio product "Easy Media Creator Basic" that came bundeled with a DVD-+RW that I got.

What are the hardware specs on the system thats getting out of sync?
I'm a student in auidiovisual techniques: film, and we work with Final Cut Pro on G5's in our school. But considering that you don't have acces to a mac I think Adobe is still your best program on pc. I would try to fix the problem and keep working with Première. That's just me though. :D
I can't give you allot of advice on Première, I only work on my projects in school with Final Cut Pro. But what I see is that most of my teachers have Adobe Première on their laptops. And they are all pros in the bussiness :wink:

Good luck!
Rudy, you can change the mouse and the keyboard for FinalCut Pro HD is regular size. I've never had a problem with regular mac keyboards though. :wink:
1. it is about time they catch up
2. who needs to spend $70 when you can get one compatible with a mac for much less? I bet the price will drop dramatically soon after it is introduced. Unless it has some special feature that can store a gig of music and can be syncronized with your brain waves so you don't even have to use your hand!
rubysoho said:
1. it is about time they catch up
2. who needs to spend $70 when you can get one compatible with a mac for much less? I bet the price will drop dramatically soon after it is introduced. Unless it has some special feature that can store a gig of music and can be syncronized with your brain waves so you don't even have to use your hand!

1) Agreed
2) Agreed! Thats what blew me away the most. Mac users have been able to buy "Better mice" for years, just not with the offical "Apple" sticker on it. I don't get it... anyway.. two worst mice ever "developed" by apple: the no button mouse and the iMac hockey puck! *shiver*

back on topic:
I've never played with video editing and I'm assuming you're looking for something Pro level, but I've heard good things about microsofts Movie Maker 2.. free download even. I went and did some other info gathering from a site I go to now and then and basicaly, Movie Maker2, Adobe Premier and Vegas Video are the three apps I saw mentioned the most (site was

so... what kinda movies you gonna make?
just found out the "two clicker mouse" by apple is just a my computer-savy friend told me.
System specs:
Intel Pentium 4 2.4GHz
1024 MB DDR Ram
7200 RPM drives averaging 30,000KB/s storage retrieval speeds

I think that's about all that would effect dvd authoring. heh. Also when I am authoring I shut down everything so that premiere has access to 100% of my CPU (except what explorer uses) and nearly all of my ram.

I really don't see it being a bottleneck issue considering if my system slowed down, premiere would just slow down.

The video I am trying to edit it right now is converting a VHS to DVD. It's a family video of a vacation that my fiance's cousin (and best friend) shot 1 year before he passed away from cancer (at age 16). I am converting it to dvd so that they can have it forever, but I am editing it because... well I do lots of editing and I have a lot of things in mind for the film than just plain converting.

I tested out Pinnacle Pro 9.3 earlier today, but I don't like it. Not to mention it can't do the 1 thing I really need it to do (play a clip in reverse).

Thanks for all the responses everyone!
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