Anyone else have Best of the Best CO2 Regulator?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 18, 2006
I just both this CO2 regulator from, it's their brand and supposed to be very good, with a 3 year warranty. Well I hooked it up and I cannot seem to get the needle valve to hold a bubble count, I can't turn it down.

The psi is a little under 10, which isn't high, I was running my Milwaukee all in one at 25 with about 3 bubbles per second. There's no way I can even turn the pressure up on this system because no matter which way I turn the needle valve, the CO2 comes blasting out of the system.

The selenoid is also very very hot, I know it's supposed to be warm, but both my husband and I tried touching it and we had to quickly remove our hands or we'd get burnt.

Anyone have this system?
I don't have that system. Although, I use an AC powered solenoid and it gets too hot to touch. This is normal for the one I have.
I have this regulator, and have also had a LOT of trouble getting it working "right". The biggest problem is that once the manifold gets pressurized, it takes forever to bleed off, and until it bleeds off the needle valve is nearly useless. Or maybe I'm doing it wrong.

For example, I would think that once the relay turns off, the flow of CO2 should stop. In my case, the flow continues for a while (more than minutes, less than hours) until all the pressure in the section after the relay is relieved. This takes MUCH longer that I expected.

Your best bet is to turn off the tank pressure, open the needle valve to full, and let the manifold pressure bleed off. Then turn the needle valve off, turn the main pressure valve off, and open the tank again. Adjust the main pressure valve to the PSI you want (mine is around 8-10), then start tuning the needle valve. It still doesn't feel "right", but it works OK.
I just bought this one to :? Although I just hooked the system up yesterday it does seem that the needle valve is less than desirable :roll: Well I set my regulator for 4 psi then tried adjusting the needle valve and the adjuster knob came off. Placing it back on it now needs to be tightened with a small allen wrench and I didn't have one that small. I ended up turning the regulator down to 3 psi to adjust the flow until I fixed the needle valve...And this is there best..
As long as I'm whining.... when the package arrived it looked like it was kicked shipped all the way to my door (was ripped open then repackaged by the UPS guys) Oh least it was marked fragile!!!
BUT to there credit I never complained so they didn't know. At least it works I guess.
When the system turned on this morning, the CO2 came out full blown, I'm not at all happy but I'm not sure if it's me or the system. The needle valve does nothng at all, I can't lower the bubble count whatsoever. This is not good, as I work everyday and depend on the system to be working correctly. If I wasn't home this morning when it kicked on, my fish would be dead by the time I got home.

Yeah, this is there best???
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