Anyone else own a Clown Piranha?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 10, 2005
Ok, this guy never stops eating, he is a machine. But is this unusual behaviour?

Everytime I put my hand in the tank (to clean, rearrange rocks, turn snails back over, etc.) the clownfish attacks me and tries biting my hand / arm. LOL, I know I shouldnt be scared since he's so tiny, but my reflexes make me jump everytime. hehe, sometimes causing me to splash water all over the place.

I have felt him pull the skin, but no damage. Yet it makes it a pain to do anything in the tank, I don't like anything biting at me regardless of size. :)

Anyone else have fish that think you are food? Any advice on getting him to stop this nonsense? :D

My female clownfish attacks me when I stick my hands in the tank. I assumed it was because she thought I was a threat to her coral that the pair hosts.

I've found that rubber(powder free) gloves helped alot. They liked to bite my hands a lot.

They eat alot too. Normal clownfish behavior to be a glutton.
My ocellaris bites. I almost break the glass on few occasions. Even though I already know he bites and ready for this every time before I put my hand into the tank I will still shock when he bites me.
LOL, thanks for the posts. Mine is a Ocellaris Clown also, so now it all makes sense. :)

Yea, I'm ready for it too and I still jerk my arm when he bites. haha.

I'll look into some rubber gloves, that is a good idea. Just need to make sure they are safe for the tank.
The gloves should the should length ones. My clowns never bit me. Tomato clowns sure were gluttons though.
Van, just make sure they are powder free gloves. I also rinsed mine just under regular tap water before hand. No ill effects in the tank so far, and I've used them numerous times.
I think I can explain the reason behind all these shocks or reflexes even when you are ready or prepare for it.

Man and water DO NOT mix simply because we live on land and are land animals. What's under the water we do not know especially the ocean if you go swim out there you won't know what is down there as it is deep so there is a kind of paranoia. Now you can imagine those people get bitten by great white shark I would die of heart attack even the wound itself is not serious.
I have a 4" gold band maroon that hits me when I get close to her anemone. I splash water everywhere and then because she sees that agression works, she does it again and again. I've had to give her a little thump her to show her what's what and she'll go hide in her anemone again.
my maroon bites everytime. especially at my ring, but even if its off, he bites. i dont mind tho, im intruding his lil world, lol.
weekf said:
I think I can explain the reason behind all these shocks or reflexes even when you are ready or prepare for it.

Man and water DO NOT mix simply because we live on land and are land animals. What's under the water we do not know especially the ocean if you go swim out there you won't know what is down there as it is deep so there is a kind of paranoia. Now you can imagine those people get bitten by great white shark I would die of heart attack even the wound itself is not serious.

Damn right, I live near the beach and we always go for a bit of a surf. I love just casually saying "I wonder how many sharks there are around here?" Despite the fact that we all grew up at the brach and no one will actually say they are frightened - Within 5 minutes everyone will be out of the water.
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