Anyone else's pleco do this?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 24, 2016
He is eating flakes >.<I think it's really funny, he looks like he's dancing. We bought my step son this 20 gallon tank...he's got some guppies, 24 karat white clouds, a male Betta and this tiny juvenile pleco who we are baby sitting until he's large enough to go in a friend's 200 gallon. Since we've set it up, these fish have not failed to be weird and make us laugh; the Betta will sometimes school with the guppies.
Some plecos have a lot of personality. Never had one take flake from the surface though. What type of pleco is it?
I think he's a sailfin. He also is quite a swimmer, spending almost all day swimming with the guppies and feeding with them vs eating algae and what have you.
Used to have a sailfin, which grew quite large and had to be re-homed. But it mostly hid at the back of the tanks; in a cave when small, then behind the plants. Never showed a personality like yours. Must be fun to watch.
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