Anyone know cories?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 26, 2005
I have a 5 gallon tank with a betta in it. I decided I wanted to add some pygmy cories. The pet store told me that in that size tank, a pair would be best, so I (foolishly) bought a pair of pygmy cories. 1 died, leaving the other one alone with the betta. That was about 2 months ago. Since then, I have been unable to find pygmy cories in my city. Does anyone have any suggestions for me? Based on what the pet stores consistently carry, I would probably be able to get an albino cory, a bronze cory or maybe an emerald cory.
Any of those will do. Corys prefer company, but will survive alone if you just want to add 1 as a buddy for your pygmy. If you get a mle paleatus, in either albino or regular colouration, it will not be as big as if you get a female. The males are easy to pick out as they have a much higher dorsal.
I had a pygmy die of when I foolishly thought i needed to add bacteria ever since Mama has been alone but she has a pitbull pleco , a betta and some p. rainbows.. your baby will be fine alone till you can get two more they like a small school
I have no idea what made Yorick sick, he just got sicker and sicker and one day, that was it. Hamlet and Lancelot were unaffected, luckily. I just don't know what would be the best replacement. The problems are that a) I don't know if they will ever get anymore pygmies and b) in such a small tank, I'd be hesitant to add even 2 paleatus, because there's 4" of fish right there, plus 2" betta, plus 1" pygmy = 8" of fish in a 5 gallon tank.
personally its not the 8 inches id be worrying about. it'd be the betta. ive kept mine with bettas and they were fine, but different bettas have different personalities
This guy is a big softie. He's been living with various tankmates on and off for quite a while, and the only time he's shown any aggression was when I had him with a molly, but I think she started it. Mostly she picked on him, and occasionally he'd retaliate. It got to the point though where she was chasing him around the tank, keeping him from reaching the surface, and other nasty things. He spent most of his time with his tail clamped, hiding from her. I traded her in for the cories, that was about 3 months ago. Since then, I've never noticed any sign of aggression towards the very vulnerable little cory. Any pent up betta anger he feels is spent visciouslly attacking his own darn tail. Also, I think it helps that the cory is a bottom feeder, so there's less competition between him and the betta for food.
for some reason my bettas are mainly staying on the bottom of my tank 1/2 the time. theres nothing wrong with them... just i think their wierd
stick to pygmys otherwise the tank will be to crowded since cories like footprint space over gallons ..

I have a betta whos best freind is a pitbull pleco he likes to play on the bottom with him:) .. join the my betta is a little bit unique club
I also suggest adding more pygmy cories to the tank if you can wait until more come in. I have five of them in a ten gallon tank with some dwarf cichlids.
My problem is that I have no idea if (or when) more pygmies will come in stock. This guy may be alone for the rest of his little life. Basically, would 1 or 2 other cories (ie paleatus) be better than nothing, or would I then have 3 miserable cories instead of 1?
Two paleatus would be the perfect solution, IMO. They are really quite small themselves, and they will be happy to hang with the pygmy - they are not that picky. I would not get an emerald or a bronze, as they are much beefier fish.
If you are really worried about him being alone, get a pair of cories. I have a pair of albino cories and they are great.

BTW where in Canada are you? I'm in Ontario, not too far from Toronto
I think on my next day off, I'll probably pick up a pair of either albino cories or peppered cories. Hopefully little Hamlet will enjoy having some buddies on his level. My little tank will be overstocked, but neither bettas nor cories are overly messy, so I think if I up the water changes, I should be okay. And Tracy, I live out in Alberta. I went to Ontario once, to Ottawa, and had lots of fun.
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