anything i can do about my fish???

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 2, 2003
hi, i have 1 clown loach and 1 pictus cat that are ALWAYS hiding. They hide in my large rock decoration. The pictus sometimes comes out at night (seeing as how they are nocturnal), but i honestly havent seen the loach in like a week. I checked today to make sure he was still alive, and there he was, looking as healthy as ever, up in the top of the decoration. Is there anything I can do?
Don't know a lot about pictus behavior, but I do know clown loaches are a shoaling fish, and need companions; is why the recommended minimum is 3. If he doesn't have any buddies that may be why he's so shy.
I think pictus are mainly nocturnal and he may just be waiting for lights out. Of course they often do become diurnal in tanks so he might eventually come out during the day.

These fish aren't listed in your profile. What size tank are they in. I ask because Clown Loaches should have at least 3 per tank but they get huge, 8 inches long and quite fat and really need a 55 gallon min. tank to do well in.
You may need what is referred to as "Dither Fish". These are typically any active and robust fish that are constantly on the move. When the fish that are hiding see a bunch of these "dither fish" out in the open, it is a sign that there is no threat of predators and can help put them at ease. But I must agree with Allivymar on getting a couple more Clown Loaches - that may very well do the trick.
I agree, you should get more clown loaches. They really need to be with thier own kind to be truly happy. I have found that they get along well with tiger barbs, if they are the same age and size they will shoal with the tiger barbs. As mentioned above if you have other active fish in your tank then the clown loaches will know it is safe and not be so shy.
well sad to say, the shy loach passed away. I think he was either stressed out or sick when i got him. I got a new loach, and him and the old one are buddys. I dont think i have room for another, sorry to say, because i am a little cramped on space as it is. I feel a lot better though now that he has a friend
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