API leaf zone

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 10, 2013
Today was the first time I added a liquid fertilizer to my tank, I have only been using root tabs until now. Upon adding it, it turned my water yellow. I realize that the fert itself is yellow but I didn't think it would turn my whole tank yellow. Will the color eventually just filter out? Also, do I re dose the whole amount or just what I take out during water changes?
It said 5 ml per 10 gallons, I have a 55 gallon so I added 25 ml just because the yellow freaked me out so I stopped at 25 instead of doing 27.5. It's a yellow tint still.
The yellow is the iron. I've never used it before but that sure seems like a lot. Have you considered using dry ferts? The are so much cheap especially if you have a bigger tank.
Yea I agree. It did seen like a lot to me as well. Dry ferts like what? I use root tabs for my root feeders but I'm not sure what dry ferts are.
That iron staining wouldn't affect my water chemistry at all do you think?
This is all you need... Estimative Index | Aquarium Fertilizer | Green Leaf Aquariums. These will last over a year.

I use 3 dosing bottles which you can find at the bottom of the page... Aquarium Plant Fertilizer | Green Leaf Aquariums.

Here is an article about dosing with a recipe of how to mix the ferts and use them. The only thing I do different is I mix my nitrates in one bottle, phosphates and potassium in one bottle, and micros in the 3rd bottle. Plus unless you have very soft tap water you don't need MgSO4 magnesium sulfate that the recipe calls for. Also only read the opening post not all the comments afterwards... Newbie Guide to PPS-Pro - PPS Analysis and Feedback - Aquatic Plant Central.

What plants do you have? What is your lighting and bulbs? Are you using any liquid carbon or CO2?
Yea the yellow tint will go away I use leaf zone once a week
This is all you need... Estimative Index | Aquarium Fertilizer | Green Leaf Aquariums. These will last over a year. I use 3 dosing bottles which you can find at the bottom of the page... Aquarium Plant Fertilizer | Green Leaf Aquariums. Here is an article about dosing with a recipe of how to mix the ferts and use them. The only thing I do different is I mix my nitrates in one bottle, phosphates and potassium in one bottle, and micros in the 3rd bottle. Plus unless you have very soft tap water you don't need MgSO4 magnesium sulfate that the recipe calls for. Also only read the opening post not all the comments afterwards... Newbie Guide to PPS-Pro - PPS Analysis and Feedback - Aquatic Plant Central. What plants do you have? What is your lighting and bulbs? Are you using any liquid carbon or CO2?

I'll definitely read those articles for sure thanks for the info! That seems easier than doing a liquid and tabs. I do not use liquid carbon but I do use a liquid CO2 booster. I have all low light plants (at least the hydro nursery says they are) Amazon sword, water wisteria, lemon bacopa, willow hygrophilia. I just have standard fluorescent (t5 I think) x2. They all seem to be doing well so far, but this is my first try with a planted tank.
API CO2 Booster and Excel are both liquid carbons. Honestly with your size tank it would be much cheaper to use Metricide 14 Day Solution. A gallon costs about $27 shipped (check around as some try charging $40 a gallon) and it's mixed at a 1:1 ratio with RO or Distilled water. You get 2 gallons for under $30 which is dirt cheap. I would get this and use it 1ml liquid carbon to every 5 gallons of tank water daily. With dry ferts and the liquid carbon you'll see a change in growth. If you go with Metricide 14 be sure to keep your old CO2 Booster bottle so you can mix just enough Metricide with RO water to fill it which makes dosing much easier.
Ooh...ok, then yes I do use liquid carbon, lol! Yea, that's way cheaper. The tabs plus the liquid fert plus the co2 boost is close to $40 and doesn't last very long with my size tank.
now that my tank is used to it don't even mess with it anymore
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