API Master Test Kits and Prime

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 20, 2016
St.John's, Newfoundland, Canada
Hi all.... I was just reading the faq on Prime at Seachem's site and came across this.

"A salicylate based kit can be used, but with caution. Under the conditions of a salicylate kit the ammonia-Prime complex will be broken down eventually giving a false reading of ammonia (same as with other products like Prime®), so the key with a salicylate kit is to take the reading right away."

Does this mean not to wait the 5 minutes for the color to develop as the instructions with the kit say.

Thanks for the link.

Perhaps they are implying the test kit will detect free ammonia first (on the way to measuring total ammonia (ammonia plus ammonium)).


I must confess I don't like the idea of varying the test kit procedure. I'd rather test as per normal and than have a test kit that will detect free ammonia (or use a ph / temp / total ammonia table to get free ammonia).

I rather know what my test results are trending imo.
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